People with arthritis think that exercising would harm their joints and cause more pain but that is not true. In fact, research study shows that people with arthritis should exercise for reducing pain and improving the mobility of the joints.  
Gentle, low-impact exercises are the best for arthritis. These exercises not only help in strengthening the muscles that support the joints but also help in maintaining the full mobility of the joints. Following are some of the types of exercises that help in relieving the arthritis pain:

1.    Range of motion or flexibility exercises: These exercises can help you in maintaining and improving the flexibility in the joints while removing the stiffness from the joints. Exercises that include gentle stretching such as raising your hands over your head or rolling your shoulders forward and backward will not only help in relieving the stiffness in the joints but also increases your ability to move your joints through their full range of motion.

2.   Strengthening exercises: Strengthening exercises such as weight training can help you in maintaining and increasing your muscle strength which in turn helps in supporting and protecting your joints.

3.    Aerobic or endurance exercises: Aerobic exercises such as walking, jogging, bicycling, swimming, or using the elliptical machine, not only helps in improving your cardiovascular health but also helps in controlling your weight. It gives you more energy and stamina.

4.    Aquatic exercises: Most people think that aquatic exercises involve swimming but it does not, these exercises are actually performed while standing in shoulder length water. It helps in relieving the pressure of your body’s weight on the joints (particularly, hip joint and knee joint) and helps the muscles to become stronger. Regular aquatic exercise helps you in relieving the joint pain associated with arthritis.

Always keep in mind that exercising does not cause pain though it might cause muscle soreness. So, if you feel a sharp, shooting, or sudden pain in the joints or muscles, then you should stop exercising and consult a doctor.
For further information regarding exercises that might help in relieving the pain associated with arthritis, please visit our website:


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